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CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) salary in Austin
Average Base Salary in Austin
Additional Cash Compensation
Total Compensation
Median: 220,000
Min: $140K
Max: $285K
How Much Does a CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) Make in Austin?
The average salary for a CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) in Austin is $211,667. The average additional cash compensation for a CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) in Austin is $105,500. The average total compensation for a CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) in Austin is $317,167. CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) salaries are based on responses gathered by Built In from anonymous CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) employees in Austin.
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CRO (Chief Revenue Officer)
Account Executive Account Manager Accountant Aerospace Engineer AI Engineer Analytics Manager Android Developer App Developer Application Engineer Art Director Associate Product Manager Automation Engineer AWS Developer Back End Developer Blockchain Developer Brand Manager Budget Analyst Business Analyst Business Development Manager Business Development Representative Business Intelligence Analyst Business Intelligence Developer Business Intelligence Developer Business Intelligence Manager CCO (Chief Creative Officer) CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Chief People Officer CIO (Chief Information Officer) Client Success Manager Cloud Engineer Cloud Security Engineer CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) Community Manager Content Manager Content Marketing Manager Content Strategist Controller COO (Chief Operating Officer) Copywriter CPO (Chief Product Officer) Creative Director CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Customer Support Manager Customer Support Rep Cybersecurity Engineer Data Analyst Data Architect Data Engineer Data Engineering Manager Data Scientist Database Administrator Database Developer Design Director Design Engineer Desktop Support DevOps Engineer Digital Marketing Manager Director of Analytics Director of Customer Success Director of Marketing Director of Operations Director of Product Management Director of Product Marketing Director of Product Marketing Director of Software Engineering Editor Email Marketing Manager Engineering Manager Event Planner Finance Director Financial Analyst Front End Developer Full Stack Developer Game Designer Game Developer Graphic Designer Hardware Engineer HR Coordinator HR Director HR Manager HR Specialist Implementation Manager Implementation Specialist Inside Sales Manager Inside Sales Representative Instructional Designer iOS Developer IT Engineer Java Developer Javascript Developer Junior Business Analyst Junior Data Analyst Junior Data Scientist Junior Software Developer Junior Software Engineer Junior Web Developer Lead Software Engineer Machine Learning Engineer Market Research Analyst Marketing Analyst Marketing Assistant Marketing Associate Marketing Coordinator Marketing Manager Marketing Operations Manager Marketing Project Manager Marketing Specialist Network Engineer Office Manager Operations Associate Operations Manager Power BI Developer Principal Software Engineer Product Analyst Product Designer Product Manager Product Marketing Manager Product Owner Project Coordinator Project Manager Public Relations Manager Public Relations Specialist Python Developer QA Analyst QA Engineer QA Manager Quant Developer React Developer Recruiter Robotics Engineer RPA Developer Sales Associate Sales Coordinator Sales Development Representative Sales Director Sales Engineer Sales Manager Sales Operations Analyst Sales Operations Manager Salesforce Developer Scrum Master Security Engineer Senior Accountant Senior Business Analyst Senior Data Analyst Senior Data Engineer Senior Data Scientist Senior Financial Analyst Senior Graphic Designer Senior Marketing Manager Senior Product Designer Senior Product Manager Senior Product Marketing Manager Senior Project Manager Senior Recruiter Senior Software Developer Senior Software Engineer Senior Systems Engineer Senior Technical Writer Senior UI Designer Senior UX Designer SEO Manager SEO Specialist Site Reliability Engineer Social Media Manager Software Developer Software Engineer Software Sales Representative Software Test Engineer SQL Developer Systems Engineer Tableau Developer Tech Sales Representative Technical Product Manager Technical Project Manager Technical Recruiter Technical Support Technical Writer Test Engineer UI Designer UX Designer UX Researcher Vice President of Care Vice President of Engineering Vice President of Finance Vice President of Human Resources Vice President of Marketing Vice President of Operations Vice President of People Vice President of Product Vice President of Sales Vice President of Talent Acquisition Visual Designer Web Designer Web Developer Wordpress Developer
Salary Insights
CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) Salary by gender
CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) Salary by Years of Experience
The average salary for a CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) with 7+ years of experience is $208,000.
CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) Salary ranges
The most common CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) salary in Austin is between $170k - $180k.
Average Sales salaries in Austin
Job Title | Average Salary | Salary Range |
Business Development Representative | $50,800 | Min: $30K Max: $100K |
Inside Sales Representative | $54,042 | Min: $30K Max: $104K |
Sales Development Representative | $54,288 | Min: $24K Max: $235K |
Account Manager | $70,430 | Min: $30K Max: $170K |
Sales Operations Analyst | $75,332 | Min: $45K Max: $125K |
Account Executive | $77,217 | Min: $24K Max: $275K |
Client Success Manager | $80,793 | Min: $40K Max: $136K |
Inside Sales Manager | $85,002 | Min: $65K Max: $115K |
Sales Manager | $96,613 | Min: $55K Max: $160K |
Business Development Manager | $96,932 | Min: $65K Max: $163K |
Sales Operations Manager | $106,904 | Min: $45K Max: $154K |
Sales Engineer | $110,825 | Min: $68K Max: $184K |
Director of Customer Success | $133,838 | Min: $85K Max: $245K |
Sales Director | $150,954 | Min: $75K Max: $315K |
Vice President of Sales | $184,630 | Min: $103K Max: $325K |
CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) | $211,667 | Min: $140K Max: $285K |
Career Info
CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) jobs in Austin
Skills that affect CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) salaries in Austin
Client Services
0% have this skill
Sales Planning
0% have this skill
0% have this skill
Lead Generation
0% have this skill
Enterprise Sales
0% have this skill
Client Relations
0% have this skill
Average CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) Salary by Company Size
People with the job title CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) make the most at companies with 51-200 employees, earning $240,000 on average.
Recent CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) salaries in Austin
Yearly Salary
A CRO reported a yearly salary of $140,000 with +$58,000 in additional cash compensation
5-7 Years of Experience
11-50 Employees
Yearly Salary
A CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) reported a yearly salary of $230,000 with +$35,000 in additional cash compensation
7+ Years of Experience
51-200 Employees
Yearly Salary
A CRO reported a yearly salary of $175,000 with +$75,000 in additional cash compensation
7+ Years of Experience
11-50 Employees
Yearly Salary
A CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) reported a yearly salary of $220,000
3-5 Years of Experience
11-50 Employees
Yearly Salary
A CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) reported a yearly salary of $220,000
3-5 Years of Experience
11-50 Employees
Yearly Salary
A Chief Revenue Officer reported a yearly salary of $285,000 with +$115,000 in additional cash compensation
5-7 Years of Experience
11-50 Employees
5-10 Reports
Yearly Salary
A CRO reported a yearly salary of $200,000 with +$100,000 in additional cash compensation
7+ Years of Experience
11-50 Employees
5-10 Reports
Yearly Salary
A CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) reported a yearly salary of $250,000 with +$250,000 in additional cash compensation
7+ Years of Experience
51-200 Employees
5-10 Reports
Yearly Salary
A CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) reported a yearly salary of $185,000
7+ Years of Experience
11-50 Employees