6 Total Employees
4 Local Employees
Year Founded: 2011

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<div> is changing the way people find help. Everyday people and businesses have things they need to get done, but due to time or skills constraints don't. Yet, there are people and businesses ready and waiting to work.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>At NeedTo, we are completely transform the local service economy allowing workers to come to you, instead of spending hours trying to find great people to meet your need, just post your need and they find you.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>We already know that everyday people, in our communities, have special talents, but sometimes have a hard time finding people to share them with. For example, there's the college student that loves fixing computers, the retiree who is passionate about gardening, and the stay-at-home mom who loves photography but can't pursue her passion full-time. Likewise, there are regular people out there that need these same services, but in all likelihood would never find each other without;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Need To is helping fulfill the American dream for many American by providing a platform to those who dream of working for themselves, yet at the same time allowing small business steady work to support themselves and the ones they love.</div><div>&nbsp;</div>