

Austin, TX
197 Total Employees
94 Local Employees
Year Founded: 2010
Findhelp connects people in need with the social care programs that serve them at

We’re changing the way people connect to social care. At findhelp, we’ve built a comprehensive platform of products and services that make it easy for you to connect people to resources, follow them on their journey, and track your impact in a fast and reliable way. Our industry-leading social care network includes more than half a million local, state, and national programs that serve every ZIP Code in the country, from rural areas to major metropolitan centers. Findhelp is headquartered in Austin, Texas and has been enabling healthcare, government, education, and other organizations to connect people with the social care resources that serve them, with privacy and security, since 2010. As a mission driven organization, we are focused on creating a positive impact by connecting people in need to the programs that serve them with dignity and ease. Powered by our proprietary technology that enables people to find the resources available in their area, we have helped millions of Seekers find food, health, housing and employment programs.

Findhelp Offices

Hybrid Workspace

Employees engage in a combination of remote and on-site work.

We value face to face interaction. We are in office Monday-Thursday with flexibility to work remotely on Friday.

Typical time on-site: 4 days a week
Austin, TX

Articles We're In

​  Image: Shutterstock  ​
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