How to Manage Scope Creep

Written by Janey Zitomer
Published on Apr. 06, 2020
How to Manage Scope Creep
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Scope creep doesn’t discriminate based on company or department. But the more complex a project is, the more likely the phenomenon will be, according to PMI’s global project management survey. The same research found that the percentage of projects with high complexity is on the rise — from 35 percent in 2013 to 41 percent in 2018.

At PLANOLY, iOS Engineer Andrew Clements’ team manages scope creep by prioritizing up-front planning. It’s a fitting strategy for the virtual content organizer. Clements said each department clearly outlines goals going into any new project, adding built-in buffers for inevitable last-minute changes or additions. 

Doing so makes his job creating new applications and internationalizing existing ones that much easier. Overestimating project timelines typically allows the team a buffer to add the additional scope into the sprint. Worst-case scenario? They push additional work to the next sprint to keep the project on track.


Andrew Clements
iOS Engineer

What proactive measures does your team take to limit or prevent scope creep?

In order to limit scope creep, we try to make sure that we have a clear understanding of what we’re trying to accomplish prior to jumping into a new feature. We’re usually working with the product owner and designers to make sure that we’re hitting all possible flows, including the not-so-happy paths. 


When scope creep does occur, how does your team handle it? 

When we do encounter scope creep, we make sure that we have enough time to test the additional work coming in. In order to keep the project on track, if something needs to get pushed to the next sprint, we prioritize that adjustment. 

Most of the time we’re able to add the additional scope into the sprint because of the buffer we include in sprint planning. We typically don’t have issues adjusting our timelines.

Include the possibility of additional scope in your sprint estimates.’’ 


What other advice do you have for developers looking to better manage scope creep?

Include the possibility of additional scope in your sprint estimates. It’s always better to overestimate how long something is going to take and have the ability to move up the release. You don’t want to run out of time and have to push the release further back.

Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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