5 early-stage Austin startups you should know

Written by Jess Ryan
Published on Jul. 26, 2017
5 early-stage Austin startups you should know

It’s true that many startups fail early, and that a company’s chances of success improve as time goes on. But while we love celebrating the city’s biggest hits, it’s also fun to give a shout out to the little guys every once in awhile. Here are some of the coolest Austin startups on BetaList right now.


Dating apps have made life a lot easier for those of us looking for love, but an endless stream of “Heys” in our inboxes can make swiping feel like more of a burden than a blessing. A new dating app called Curtsy is here to help you break the ice, suggesting games to play with your match (like two truths and a lie). They even let you send voice messages so you have more to go off of than just some photos and text.


Have you ever wished you could tag along with people as they go backstage, behind the scenes and to new extremes? Vicarious lets people share exciting experiences like whitewater rafting, concerts and even skydiving with viewers via live streaming, which is so hot right now. Creators can make money using the platform and even engage with their fans during and after their experiences.


One of the best ways to gather data about your customers is to use a survey. But as simple as it may sound, getting someone to click a link to actually take your survey is almost impossible without offering some sort of incentive. Ping Surveys removes the extra work by allowing you to embed surveys in an email, and recipients can respond without leaving their email client.


If your company uses Stripe for e-commerce payments but you’re stuck with a different tool for point-of-sale, Collect has you covered. With their app, you collect payments using a reader and the app, and then your payments will go straight to your Stripe account. The app works with any reader, and they partner with companies whose readers are able to read chip cards — lowering your risk by keeping you compliant with EMV liability policies.


If email drives a lot of your content marketing strategy, you’re probably using lead magnets and content upgrades to capture subscribers’ email addresses. ContentUpgrade.me lets you embed content upgrade-based lead magnets pretty much anywhere on the web: Medium posts, iframes, Wordpress, HTML pages and more. And ContentUpgrade.me integrates with Zapier, meaning you can use it to automate your workflow and capture more leads.


Photos CC0 licensed via Pixabay.

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