Zenger News

Zenger News

Zenger is the world's first digitally native wire service. It has more than 40 full-time editors spread across New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Mumbai, Vienna, and Nairobi. Zenger has more than 2,300 registered journalists reporting from 109 countries. Its customers include Forbes, Newsweek, and hundreds of newspapers, radio, and television stations across the United States. Zenger also has assembled the nation's largest network of African-American news outlets. Zenger News is a product of Z News Service, Inc., a Delaware corporation, domiciled in Austin, Texas.

Articles We're In

Author Unknown
Updated on June 24, 2021

Digital-First News Startup Zenger Raises $10M Seed Funding to Enhance Software

Instead of charging news publications for Zenger content, the company has developed a unique software that raises advertising revenue.